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Madoff Victim Fund Distributes $160M to Ponzi Scheme Victims

Total Recoveries Reach $4.22B, Accounting for 91% of Victims’ Total Fraud Losses

  • Nearly 25,000 victims of Bernie Madoff's Ponzi scheme will receive a total of close to $160 million in government-seized compensation funds.
  • The Madoff Victim Fund has now paid out a total of $4.22 billion in total compensation to 40,843 victims.
  • The Madoff Victim Fund says it has recovered roughly 91% of victims’ total fraud losses.
  • Of the total, more roughly $2.2 billion was collected as part of civil forfeiture recovery from the estate of late Madoff investor Jeffry Picower, one of the scheme’s largest benefactors, while another $1.7 billion came from a deferred prosecution agreement with JPMorgan Chase Bank.
  • The remaining funding came from a civil forfeiture action against investor Carl Shaprio and civil and criminal civil forfeitures against Madoff and his co-conspirators, according to the Justice Department.
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