Michael Oher Seeks to End Conservatorship, Receive Fair Share of 'Blind Side' Profits After Claiming Adoption Was False
- Michael Oher filed a petition alleging that the Tuohy family never legally adopted him but rather tricked him into a conservatorship that stripped his legal rights.
- Oher claims that the Tuohys used their power as conservators to broker deals surrounding his life story that paid them millions in royalties from "The Blind Side" film and book.
- The Tuohys deny Oher's allegations, stating that the conservatorship helped him attend college and that profits were shared equally with Oher.
- Oher seeks to terminate the conservatorship, prevent the Tuohys from using his name and likeness, receive his share of profits and damages, and obtain a full accounting of money earned from his story.
- Author Michael Lewis suggests Hollywood profited most from "The Blind Side" and defends the Tuohys, but questions remain surrounding the conservatorship agreement and finances.