Michael Sheen Cancels £1 Million of Debt for 900 Neighbors in Wales
The actor used £100,000 of his own money to spotlight the unfairness of high-cost credit in a new documentary.
- Michael Sheen purchased and forgave £1 million in debt for 900 residents in Port Talbot, Wales, using £100,000 of his own funds.
- The effort is featured in the Channel 4 documentary 'Michael Sheen’s Secret Million Pound Giveaway,' which aims to raise awareness about the challenges of high-cost credit systems.
- Sheen established a debt-buying company to acquire the debts legally at a fraction of their value, working with a former debt collection director to navigate the process.
- The initiative highlights the struggles of working-class communities in South Wales, where job losses and poverty have left many financially vulnerable.
- Sheen, who declared himself a 'not-for-profit' actor in 2021, hopes the project will inspire systemic change, including the adoption of the Fair Banking Act to promote affordable credit.