Mike Pence Launches $20 Million Initiative to Promote Conservatism Over Populism
The Advancing American Freedom group, led by Mike Pence, aims to steer the conservative movement back to its traditional principles, countering the recent populist trend.
- Mike Pence's political advocacy group, Advancing American Freedom, announces a $20 million American Solutions Project to emphasize traditional conservative values.
- The initiative seeks to create a policy platform for conservative candidates, promote conservative laws, and protect principles like limited government and free trade.
- The effort is a direct response to the conservative movement's shift towards populism, which Pence criticizes as being 'unmoored to conservative principles'.
- Prominent figures such as former Heritage Foundation President Ed Feulner and major conservative donor Art Pope have joined the initiative.
- Pence, having withdrawn from the 2024 GOP presidential race, continues to advocate for conservative policies and oppose the populist direction of some party members.