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Mistrial Declared in Voluntary Manslaughter Case Against Off-Duty LAPD Officer

Salvador Sanchez, who fatally shot an unarmed mentally ill man in a Costco store, may face retrial as the jury fails to reach a verdict.

  • Off-duty LAPD officer Salvador Sanchez fatally shot Kenneth French, a mentally ill man, and injured French's parents in a Costco store in 2019.
  • Sanchez claimed he was attacked by French and feared for his life, although French was unarmed and moving away when Sanchez began shooting.
  • A mistrial was declared due to a jury deadlock in the voluntary manslaughter case against Sanchez.
  • The California attorney general's office has not indicated whether it plans to retry the case.
  • Sanchez was fired from the LAPD after the shooting, and French's parents were awarded $17 million in damages in 2021.
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