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New Brain-Gut Circuits for Sugar and Fat Cravings Discovered

The combined cravings for sugar and fat can trigger a compelling desire to overeat, potentially undermining dieting efforts.

  • Scientists from the Monell Chemical Senses Center have discovered distinct brain-gut circuits for sugar and fat, which can trigger cravings for unhealthy foods without our awareness.
  • The combined cravings for sugar and fat activate a compelling desire to overeat, shedding light on why fats and sugars are particularly alluring.
  • The study reveals distinct fat and sugar-craving pathways in the brain, and the combination of these pathways excessively triggers our desire to eat more than usual.
  • The researchers manipulated fat or sugar neurons in the vagus nerve systems of mice, demonstrating that both types cause dopamine release in the brain’s reward centers.
  • The team hopes their research can be used in the future to develop anti-obesity strategies and treatments, making dieting easier by altering gut-brain reward circuits to reduce unhealthy eating habits.
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