New Type of Elderly Giant Star Discovered in Milky Way
Dubbed 'Old Smokers', These Stars Can Sit Dormant for Decades Before Puffing Out Clouds of Smoke
- Astronomers have discovered a new type of elderly giant star, nicknamed 'old smoker', at the heart of the Milky Way galaxy.
- These 'old smokers' can sit quietly for decades, fading almost to invisibility, before suddenly puffing out clouds of smoke.
- The discovery was made during a 10-year survey of the night sky, monitoring almost a billion stars in infrared light.
- The team also detected dozens of rarely-seen newborn stars, known as protostars, which undergo extreme outbursts over a period of months, years or decades, as part of the formation of a new solar system.
- The discovery of these 'old smokers' could change what we know about the way that elements are distributed across space.