NHS Junior Doctors' Strike Causes Significant Delays and Critical Incidents
British Medical Association refuses requests to recall doctors, while NHS urges public to help free up beds amidst the crisis.
- Junior doctors in the NHS are on a six-day strike, the longest in the history of the NHS, leading to significant delays in A&E departments and hospitals declaring critical incidents.
- The British Medical Association (BMA) has refused 20 requests from hospitals to recall some junior doctors to protect patient safety, claiming NHS leaders have not provided sufficient evidence.
- NHS hospitals are urging the public to take relatives home as soon as they can be safely discharged to free up beds amidst the strike.
- Pay talks between the BMA’s junior doctors committee and the Government broke down after a new offer was made averaging 3 per cent towards the end of last year, on top of a pay award of 8.8 per cent last summer. The BMA has asked for a 35 per cent increase.
- NHS England is now formally collecting evidence of the harm to patients caused by the refusal of striking doctors to help struggling hospitals.