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Niedersachsen Slaughterhouse Closed Amid Shocking Animal Cruelty Revelations

Undercover footage reveals severe mistreatment of animals, prompting legal action and calls for increased oversight.

  • An undercover investigation by Aninova exposed brutal treatment of animals at a slaughterhouse in Elsfleth, Niedersachsen.
  • Hidden camera footage documented sheep and cattle being repeatedly shocked, beaten, and inadequately stunned before slaughter.
  • The local veterinary authority has ordered the immediate closure of the facility, and the State Prosecutor's Office is investigating potential violations of animal protection laws.
  • Niedersachsen's government is advocating for mandatory video surveillance in larger slaughterhouses to prevent future abuses.
  • The slaughterhouse, previously promoting animal welfare, is unreachable for comment, and its website has been taken offline.
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