Oldest Known Bone Tools Found in Tanzania Date Back 1.5 Million Years
The discovery of 27 systematically crafted tools from animal bones reveals advanced cognitive abilities in early human ancestors.
- Archaeologists unearthed 27 bone tools in Tanzania’s Olduvai Gorge, marking the earliest known systematic use of bone tools, dating back 1.5 million years.
- The tools were crafted from the limb bones of large mammals such as elephants and hippos, using knapping techniques similar to those used for stone tools.
- The tools demonstrate advanced cognitive abilities, including the ability to adapt stone toolmaking techniques to new materials and create standardized designs.
- Researchers believe the tools were likely used for butchering animal carcasses, with evidence of deliberate shaping and flaking to create sharp edges and points.
- While the specific hominin species responsible remains unclear, Homo erectus and Paranthropus boisei are among the possible creators of the tools.