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OpenAI Aims to Control Superintelligent AI, Launches $10M Grant Program

The Superalignment team is using weaker AI models to guide more advanced ones, in an effort to develop control mechanisms for superintelligent AI systems.

  • OpenAI's Superalignment team is developing ways to control and govern superintelligent AI systems, theoretical systems with intelligence far exceeding that of humans.
  • The team is using a weaker AI model to guide a more advanced model in desirable directions and away from undesirable ones, serving as an analogy for human supervisors and superintelligent AI.
  • OpenAI is launching a $10 million grant program to support technical research on superintelligent alignment, with portions reserved for academic labs, nonprofits, individual researchers and graduate students.
  • Former Google CEO and chairman Eric Schmidt, an ardent supporter of OpenAI, is contributing to the funding for the grant.
  • The Superalignment team assures that both OpenAI’s research and the work of others who receive grants and prizes from OpenAI on superalignment-related work will be shared publicly.
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