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Parents Criticized for Leaving Child Unattended in Disneyland Stroller to Ride Attraction

A viral TikTok video shows parents allegedly leaving a young child alone in a stroller for an hour at Disneyland, prompting safety concerns and public outrage.

  • A TikTok video posted by user @keesha4rank shows a child left unattended in a stroller covered with a Spider-Man blanket at Disneyland California.
  • The parents reportedly left the child near the Guardians of the Galaxy ride, which typically has an hour-long wait time, while they went on the attraction.
  • Disneyland security intervened after being alerted by the TikTok user, who expressed shock and concern for the child’s safety.
  • Disneyland offers a 'Rider Switch' program for parents with young children, allowing one parent to ride while the other supervises, which the couple did not use.
  • The incident sparked widespread criticism online, with commenters questioning the parents' priorities and decision-making.
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