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Paris Reduces Speed Limit on Entire Périphérique to 50 km/h

The speed reduction aims to improve safety and quality of life, but faces political opposition and legal challenges.

  • The new speed limit of 50 km/h on Paris's 35 km ring road is now fully implemented following a phased rollout that began on October 1.
  • Paris officials argue the change will reduce noise and accidents, benefiting the 500,000 residents living near the road.
  • Critics, including local politicians, argue the decision was made without sufficient consultation or impact studies, and is socially and economically unjust.
  • Vincent Jeanbrun, a right-wing deputy, has proposed legislation to transfer control of the road from the Paris mayor to Île-de-France Mobilités.
  • The Association of Francilian Mayors has filed a legal challenge questioning the authority of Paris to unilaterally enforce the speed limit change.
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