Pennsylvania Schools Demand $2 Billion Increase in Education Funding
Schools threaten to return to court over funding shortfalls, following last year's ruling that the state's school-funding system is unconstitutional.
- Pennsylvania schools that won a significant school funding court case last year are prepared to return to court if the Legislature and governor don’t adequately address shortfalls in the state's $35 billion school-funding system, which was declared unconstitutional.
- Lawyers for the schools are urging the Legislature to announce a multiyear funding plan, proposing an additional $2 billion to public education funds in this budget, followed by $1 billion a year for each of the next four years.
- Public schools in Pennsylvania are currently underfunded by roughly $6.2 billion, according to the lawyers for the schools and public education advocates.
- The proposal follows a court ruling last year that the state’s school-funding system is unconstitutional and shortchanges students in poor zip codes.
- The commission, composed of lawmakers and members of Democratic Gov. Josh Shapiro’s administration, is set to conclude two months of work and 11 hearings with a final report.