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Peruvian Farmer's Landmark Climate Case Against RWE Faces Critical Hearing

The German court will assess whether Saúl Luciano Lliuya's home faces significant risk from glacial flooding linked to climate change.

  • Saúl Luciano Lliuya, a Peruvian farmer and mountain guide, has sued RWE, one of Europe's largest CO2 emitters, over its role in climate change-related risks to his home in Huaraz, Peru.
  • The case, supported by the NGO Germanwatch, seeks to hold RWE accountable for 0.47% of global CO2 emissions since industrialization, demanding partial funding for local flood prevention measures.
  • The Oberlandesgericht Hamm in Germany will determine if Lliuya's home faces a legally significant risk of flooding due to glacial melt exacerbated by climate change.
  • Conflicting expert assessments have emerged, with court-appointed experts estimating a low flood risk (under 3%), while Lliuya's team argues it is significantly higher (around 30%).
  • A ruling in favor of Lliuya could set a global precedent for holding major polluters financially responsible for climate-related damages.
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