Powerball Win Highlights Iu Mien Community's History and Culture
A recent Powerball jackpot win by Iu Mien immigrant Cheng Saephan in Oregon has brought unprecedented attention to the little-known southeast Asian community.
- Cheng Saephan, an Iu Mien immigrant, won a $1.3 billion Powerball jackpot, spotlighting his community in the U.S.
- The Iu Mien, originally from Laos, were allies of the U.S. during the Vietnam War and settled in the U.S. after fleeing post-war reprisals.
- The community is known for its rich cultural traditions including storytelling, embroidery, and jewelry-making.
- Many Iu Mien have successfully integrated into U.S. society, with members pursuing higher education and starting businesses.
- The Powerball win has not only changed Saephan's life but also increased interest in the Iu Mien's heritage and contributions.