Progressive Thai Alliance Outlines Sweeping Reforms, Avoids Royal Insult Law
- An eight-party alliance in Thailand led by the progressive Move Forward party has outlined policy plans and priorities aiming to draft a new constitution, legalize same-sex marriage, end military conscription, reform the military to align with democracy and civilian rule, decentralize power and budgeting, end monopolies, improve workers' rights and employment conditions, and revamp the energy sector.
- The alliance, which controls a strong majority in Thailand's lower house, signed an agreement on a joint reform platform in July that preserves much of Move Forward's agenda from its May election victory.
- While the platform includes Move Forward's core policies around constitutional reform, marriage equality, decentralization and voluntary military service, it leaves out any changes to Thailand's harsh lese-majeste law criminalizing criticism of the monarchy.
- The alliance aims to boost welfare for youth and the elderly, revive Thailand's leadership role in ASEAN and balance ties with major powers.
- Despite its lower house majority, the progressive coalition still needs support from Thailand's conservative-dominated Senate, appointed by the former military junta, to form a government.