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Public Unrest Over High Prices Poses Challenge for Biden's Re-election

Economists caution against the allure of deflation, citing potential economic downturns.

  • Many Americans are frustrated by high prices, with essential items like soda, eggs, and used cars seeing significant increases over the past three years.
  • Despite some prices starting to rise more slowly, a phenomenon known as disinflation, public discontent remains a potential issue for President Joe Biden's re-election campaign.
  • Economists warn that while falling prices, or deflation, might seem appealing, they could have detrimental effects on the economy by discouraging consumer spending and triggering layoffs.
  • Deflation has not been seen in the United States since the Great Depression, but Japan has recently emerged from decades of falling prices that began in the early 1990s.
  • Some researchers argue that the economic threat of deflation is overstated, but acknowledge the severe impact of asset price collapses on the economy.
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