Record-breaking Solar Storm Triggers Spectacular Auroras Worldwide
The fastest-moving solar storm in recent years caused breathtaking auroras across Europe, New Zealand, and parts of the U.S., marking a peak in solar activity not seen in two decades.
- Skywatchers in Europe, New Zealand, and parts of the northern United States witnessed vibrant green, purple, and red auroras, attributed to the fastest-moving solar storm in at least five years.
- The solar storm reached a peak intensity of G4 on the geomagnetic storm scale but weakened to G2 and G1 levels within hours, with the best displays seen in parts of Europe and the southern hemisphere.
- Scientists link the geomagnetic activity to a group of sunspots on the sun, with expectations of increased auroral activity in the coming months as the sun approaches the peak of its current solar cycle.
- The coronal mass ejection responsible for the auroras traveled at an unprecedented speed of about 1.7 million mph, arriving at Earth 10 hours earlier than expected.
- Despite the initial strength of the geomagnetic storm, its impact quickly dwindled due to a shift in the magnetic orientation of the coronal mass ejection, weakening its connection to Earth's magnetic field.