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Riot Games Unveils New League of Legends Champion

The baby dragon from Camavor, designed as an ADC, is set to join the game on February 7 with a unique set of abilities.

  • Riot Games has revealed Smolder, the newest champion to arrive in League of Legends, with abilities that scale based on hitting enemy champions over the course of the match.
  • Smolder is a baby dragon from Camavor, designed to be played as an ADC in the bot lane and should be easy to pick up and play for most players.
  • Smolder's abilities include Dragon Practice (passive), Super Scorcher Breath (Q), Achooo! (W), Flap, Flap, Flap (E), and MMOOOMMMM! (R), each designed for damage and enemy control.
  • Smolder is set to arrive on patch 14.3, which according to Riot’s patch schedule, should land his release date on February 7.
  • Following Smolder, a mid-range-mage solo-laner champion is expected to be the next addition to the game.
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