Russian Rapper Vacio Serving Second Jail Term for Controversial Party
Outrage sparked among pro-Kremlin activists and lawmakers, leading to public apologies and cancellation of advertising contracts with attending celebrities.
- Russian rapper Vacio, real name Nikolai Vasilyev, is serving a second jail term for attending a controversial party at the Mutabor nightclub in Moscow.
- Vacio has been summoned to a military recruitment center, but is unable to attend due to his jail term.
- The party at the Mutabor nightclub sparked outrage among pro-Kremlin activists and lawmakers, leading to public apologies from several celebrities who attended.
- A court ruled that the party had 'propagated nontraditional sexual relations', a crime in Russia, but did not charge the organizer, blogger Anastasia Ivleyeva.
- Several major companies, including Russia's largest mobile network operator MTS, have canceled advertising contracts with Ivleyeva and other celebrities who attended the party.