Saxon Glühwein Producers See Rising Demand for White Variants
Despite poor harvests and rising costs, Saxony's glühwein makers expand offerings as white and alcohol-free options gain popularity.
- Saxony's glühwein producers are experiencing strong demand, with pre-orders returning to pre-pandemic levels despite significant fruit harvest losses in 2024.
- White glühwein, often made from fruits like pear, quince, or apple, is becoming as popular as traditional red varieties, with some producers predicting it will surpass red soon.
- Local keltereien (fruit juice makers) and winemakers are diversifying their product lines, with 34 small producers in the regional Fruchtsaftverband Sachsen reporting rising sales of glühwein and other winter beverages.
- Historical recipes, such as the 190-year-old white glühwein formula from the Sächsisches Staatsweingut, are being revived and modernized to cater to evolving consumer tastes.
- Rising production costs due to poor harvests and increased fruit prices are expected to lead to higher prices for glühwein this season, particularly for fruit-based varieties.