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Seattle Student Fails Quiz for Stating Biological Gender Facts

Seattle Public Schools defends the quiz, stating it promotes inclusion and won't affect the student's overall grade.

  • A 10th-grade student in Seattle reportedly failed a quiz in an Ethnic Studies World History course for stating that only women can get pregnant and all men have penises.
  • The quiz, titled 'Understanding Gender vs. Sex', marked these answers as incorrect, leading to the student's failure.
  • The student's mother, who asked to remain anonymous, expressed her frustration and disbelief at the situation, questioning the legality of teaching what she perceives as inaccurate information.
  • Seattle Public Schools defended the quiz, stating it was meant to promote inclusion and was in line with lessons taught in the Ethnic Studies class.
  • Despite the failing grade on the quiz, the district noted that it will not affect the student's overall grade in the class.
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