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Street Preacher in San Francisco Threatened with Gun After Transgender Remarks

Pastor Kevin Kihara remained calm as an individual pointed a firearm at him during a sermon near 4th and Market Streets.

  • Pastor Kevin Kihara of Christ’s Forgiveness Ministries was preaching in San Francisco when a passerby pulled a gun on him after his comments about gender roles.
  • The incident occurred Wednesday near 4th and Market Streets during a livestreamed sermon in which Kihara stated, 'God made men to be men.'
  • The individual, identified in reports as transgender, approached Kihara, brandished a firearm, and said, 'I should,' before walking away.
  • Kihara maintained his composure, responding with statements of forgiveness and love, which were captured on video and shared widely on social media.
  • Police have not confirmed if the incident has been reported or if any investigation is underway.
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