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Study Finds Supportive Grandparents Reduce Antidepressant Use in Mothers

A Finnish study involving nearly half a million mothers highlights the critical role of familial support in maternal mental health.

  • A comprehensive study in Finland involving 488,000 mothers reveals that those with supportive grandparents are less likely to use antidepressants.
  • The study highlights the importance of intergenerational support, particularly for mothers who are separated from their partners, in reducing the risk of depression.
  • Grandparents' proximity, age, and health significantly influence mothers' mental health, with closer and healthier grandparents linked to lower antidepressant use.
  • Despite Finland's extensive welfare support, the study underscores the unique role of familial support in mothers' mental well-being.
  • Future research is encouraged to explore the impact of grandparents' support on childless women and to investigate the role of other family members and community support.
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