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Study Links Political Polarization to Projection Onto Fictional Heroes and Villains

Research shows people align admired fictional characters with their political views while associating disliked ones with opposing parties.

  • A study by the University of Southampton and University of Vienna surveyed 3,200 participants in the UK and US about the political affiliations of fictional characters.
  • Respondents were 20% more likely to believe heroes like Harry Potter or Gandalf shared their political views and villains like Darth Vader or Cruella de Vil supported rival parties.
  • The research also found that one in six participants falsely attributed political affiliations to real-life politicians in news stories, often aligning 'good' actions with their party and 'bad' actions with the opposition.
  • This tendency to project political identities onto others, including fictional characters, was stronger among individuals with more pronounced political identities, particularly those on the left.
  • Researchers warn that this behavior exacerbates political polarization and increases susceptibility to misinformation, urging recognition of these biases to reduce division.
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