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Study Reveals Mother Chimps Continue Play with Offspring Amid Food Scarcity

Despite challenges in finding food, mother chimpanzees prioritize playtime with their young, underscoring its importance for development.

  • Mother chimpanzees prioritize playing with their offspring even during food scarcity, fostering their young's physical and social development.
  • The study, based on 10 years of observational data from Kibale National Park in Uganda, highlights the unique role of play in chimpanzee mother-offspring relationships.
  • Researchers found that while adult chimpanzees generally reduce play during times of food shortage, mothers continue to engage in play activities with their young.
  • Play is considered crucial for the development of motor and social skills in young chimpanzees, with mothers playing a key role even under food stress.
  • The study suggests that play among chimpanzees, especially between mothers and their offspring, is vital for building social bonds and preparing for future roles within their communities.
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