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'Super Pigs' from Canada Threaten to Invade Northern US

States Take Measures to Prevent Invasion of Hard-to-Eradicate Crossbreeds

  • An exploding population of 'super pigs' in Canada is threatening to invade the US, with northern states like Minnesota, North Dakota, and Montana taking steps to prevent the invasion.
  • The 'super pigs' are often crossbreeds that combine the survival skills of wild Eurasian boar with the size and high fertility of domestic swine, making them hard to eradicate.
  • The pigs are causing significant damage to crops and can spread devastating diseases to hog farms like African swine fever.
  • Several states have banned hunting the pigs as it makes them more wary and nocturnal, making them harder to track down and eradicate.
  • Efforts to control the population include big ground traps, net guns fired from helicopters, crowdsourced tracking programs, and potential use of poisons.
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