Tensions Rise in Single's Inferno as Contestants Navigate Shifting Relationships
New arrival Cho Min-ji stirs the pot, while Gwan-hee's lack of commitment sparks confrontation.
- Gwan-hee's indecisiveness and lack of commitment to any one woman causes tension among the contestants, with Ha-jeong confronting him about his behavior.
- New contestant Cho Min-ji arrives and chooses to go to Paradise with Min-woo and Jin-seok, causing some concern among the other women.
- Min-young expresses frustration with Jin-seok's overt interest in her, leading to a tearful conversation between the two.
- Despite initial interest in each other, Gwan-hee and Hye-seon's relationship seems to cool, with Gwan-hee expressing more interest in new arrival Min-ji.
- Jin-seok appears to move on from Min-young during his date with Min-ji, leaving Min-young to question her feelings for him.