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Texas Woman Arrested for Allegedly Murdering Teen Girlfriend

Shania Laneice Turner, 24, is accused of strangling Tierra Horn, 18, following a dispute over a suspected STD; Horn's body was found near Turner's downtown Houston apartment.

  • 24-year-old Shania Laneice Turner has been arrested and charged with the murder of her 18-year-old girlfriend, Tierra Horn, whose body was found near a Texas bayou on January 5, 2024.
  • Turner allegedly strangled Horn following a heated argument centered around Turner's belief that Horn had given her a sexually transmitted disease.
  • Horn's family described the relationship between the two as 'very toxic', with frequent fights and allegations of physical abuse.
  • Horn's cell phone was last pinged at Turner's house, and her body was found just yards from Turner's downtown apartment.
  • Turner is currently being held in Harris County jail on a $100,000 bond.
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