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Thailand's Moken Sea Nomads Struggle to Preserve Their Cultural Heritage

Once free-roaming ocean dwellers, the Moken face challenges to sustain their traditions as they adapt to life on land.

  • The Moken, an indigenous sea nomad community from Thailand and Myanmar, have largely transitioned from living on boats to permanent settlements on land due to stricter border controls, environmental regulations, and the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami.
  • The traditional kabang boat, central to Moken identity, is now rarely built, as national park laws restrict access to the large trees needed for construction.
  • A proposed Thai bill, introduced in October 2024, aims to recognize and protect the rights of ethnic groups, including the Moken, by ensuring access to healthcare, education, and cultural preservation support.
  • Economic challenges persist for the Moken, with most relying on seasonal income from tourism and limited opportunities for sustainable livelihoods on the Surin Islands.
  • The new chief of the Surin Islands National Park has expressed willingness to collaborate with the Moken on cultural preservation, including allowing them to use naturally fallen trees for kabang construction.
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