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Total Solar Eclipses Becoming Rarer Due to Moon's Increasing Distance from Earth

Recent studies and observations highlight that total solar eclipses will gradually diminish over billions of years as the moon drifts further away.

  • Monday's total solar eclipse in North America was described as a once-in-a-lifetime event, with no similar eclipses expected in the next two decades.
  • Henry Reich of MinutePhysics explains that the Earth and moon's changing orbits are making total eclipses increasingly rare.
  • Future total solar eclipses include one in 2026 visible in Spain, Iceland, and Greenland, and another in 2027 over North Africa.
  • The next total solar eclipse visible from the U.S. will not occur until 2044, affecting only three states.
  • Annular and partial eclipses are now more frequent than total eclipses due to the relative distances and sizes of the Earth, moon, and sun.
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