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UK Man Fined for Keeping Pet Alligator Without Proper License

Ashley Betts, 32, housed a 4-foot alligator named Cliff in his backyard for over a year before authorities confiscated the animal.

  • Ashley Betts, a resident of Rotherham, South Yorkshire, was fined nearly £1,000 for keeping an unlicensed American alligator as a pet in his backyard.
  • The 4-foot reptile, named Cliff, was discovered in July 2024 by police visiting Betts' home for an unrelated matter.
  • Betts pleaded guilty to violating the UK Dangerous Wild Animals Act, which requires a special license to keep exotic animals like alligators.
  • Authorities confirmed there was no evidence of animal cruelty or unsafe conditions, and the alligator has since been relocated to a park in Liverpool.
  • Betts expressed hope of obtaining the necessary license to reclaim Cliff in the future, stating he was unaware of the legal requirements for keeping such an animal.
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