UN Report Reveals 85,000 Women Killed Globally in 2023, Majority by Partners or Family
A new study highlights the alarming prevalence of feminicide, with 140 women killed daily and systemic inaction perpetuating the crisis.
- The UN report finds that 60% of the 85,000 women intentionally killed in 2023 were victims of their partners or family members.
- On average, 140 women are killed each day by someone close to them, equating to one victim every 10 minutes worldwide.
- The report underscores that the home remains the most dangerous place for women, with no region immune to this form of violence.
- Africa records the highest feminicide rate with 2.9 victims per 100,000 people, followed by the Americas and Oceania.
- The UN calls for stronger legal frameworks, noting some countries have introduced feminicide-specific laws, but global action remains insufficient.