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University of Florida Scientists Arrested for Alleged Child Abuse

Couple accused of confining their young children in homemade cages while at work.

  • University of Florida scientists Dustin Huff, 35, and Yurui Xie, 31, have been arrested and charged with aggravated child abuse and child neglect for allegedly confining their two children in homemade cages.
  • The couple's 6-year-old son reportedly told a school employee that he didn't want to go home because he was being put in a cage that his father built.
  • Police found two makeshift cages at the couple's home, one in the boy's room and another in the parents' room, believed to be used for the 2-year-old child.
  • The children were reportedly made to sleep in the cages overnight and were not allowed to use the bathroom, with the older child stating he would sometimes be in the cage from after school until the next morning.
  • The couple has been placed on administrative leave from their jobs at the University of Florida, and the children have been placed in the custody of vetted family members.
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