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U.S. Student Loan Debt Rises to $1.7 Trillion Despite Biden's Forgiveness Efforts

New borrowing, rising tuition costs, and paused repayments outpaced $188.8 billion in loan forgiveness during Biden's presidency.

  • Outstanding federal student loan debt grew from $1.59 trillion in 2021 to $1.64 trillion by the end of 2024, despite historic debt forgiveness measures.
  • President Biden canceled $188.8 billion in student loans for 5.3 million borrowers, the largest forgiveness effort by any U.S. president.
  • Over $300 billion in new federal loans were issued during Biden's tenure, exceeding the amount of debt forgiven and keeping the number of borrowers steady at 42 million.
  • The COVID-era pause on loan repayments, lasting from March 2020 to September 2023, contributed to the rising debt as borrowers deferred payments without accruing interest.
  • Experts attribute the ongoing crisis to the high cost of higher education, with some college expenses nearing $100,000 annually and public in-state tuition averaging $24,920 per year.
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