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Washington Post Investigates Missing Remains of Former Grenada Prime Minister Maurice Bishop and Associates

Two-year investigation reveals tensions within revolutionary leader's own party prior to his execution, while a haunting 40-year-old mystery surrounding the unreturned and missing remains of Maurice Bishop and his associates continues to disrupt closure for Grenada.

  • Maurice Bishop, the revolutionary leader of Grenada and the country's former Prime Minister, was executed in 1983 alongside seven others, but their remains are yet to be found, creating a four-decade-long mystery and denying the families closure.
  • The Washington Post's two-year investigation revealed that the revolution Bishop championed began to crumble due to pressures within his own party, leading to his brutal end.
  • The investigation shed light on the charismatic Bishop's rise to power and his influence on Grenada's history, drawing attention from powerful nations including the United States, whose concern was heightened by Grenada's ties with Cuba and the Soviet Union during the Cold War.
  • Despite unrest within his own party and allegations of arbitrary detentions during his rule, Bishop garnered widespread support among Grenadians and his legacy continues to resonate in the Caribbean nation.
  • The series, 'The Empty Grave of Comrade Bishop,' pieced together the events leading to the execution from interviews with witnesses, including some suspected of involvement, historical documents, archival photographs, and site visits, but the whereabouts of the remains of Bishop and his associates remain unknown.
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