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Yale Research Offers Potential for Delaying, Preventing Menopause

A groundbreaking procedure involving the cryopreservation of ovarian tissue could extend women's fertility and offer health benefits.

  • Yale's Dr. Kutluk Oktay has developed a method for delaying or potentially preventing menopause by freezing ovarian tissue.
  • The process involves cryopreserving ovarian tissue containing thousands of eggs, which can later be reimplanted to restore ovarian function.
  • A new mathematical model predicts the procedure could significantly delay menopause for women under 40, and possibly prevent it for those under 30.
  • Research suggests delaying menopause could offer health benefits, such as a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, dementia, and bone loss.
  • Further research is needed to fully understand the long-term benefits and risks of this procedure.
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