Galaxy Evolution Supernovae Early Universe Massive Stars Young Stars Globular Clusters Galactic Mergers Proto-Globular Clusters Early Galaxies Gravitational Interaction Recent Star Formation Dwarf Spheroidal Characteristics Metal-Rich Galaxies Gas Retention Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Starburst Events Individual Stars Rings of Stars Phoenix Cluster Star Clusters Rapid Star Formation Odd Radio Circles Outflowing Winds Gas Content Dust Patterns Hydrogen Gas and Dust Structures Gas and Dust Stellar Life Cycles Gas Outflows New Star Clusters Tidal Tails Dead Galaxies Star Formation Cessation Star Formation Factors Galaxy Behavior Supermassive Black Holes Interstellar Gas Galaxy Life Cycle Galaxy Re-Ignition Galaxy Quenching Distant Galaxy Dead Galaxy Cosmic History Gas Deprivation Quenching Galactic Evolution Age Impact Starburst Galaxies Impact Prevention M82 Galaxy Orphan Stars Origins Dark Matter Galactic Interactions Intense Star Formation NGC 253