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James Webb Space Telescope Hubble Space Telescope Very Large Telescope Professional Astronomy European Southern Observatory William Herschel Telescope Chandra X-ray Observatory Ground-based Telescopes Data Analysis ALMA Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument Professional Telescopes Canada France Hawaii Telescope Webb Space Telescope Very Large Telescope Interferometer VISTA Telescope Professional Stargazing Professional Equipment Research-Grade Telescopes Research-grade Telescopes ATLAS System Atacama Large Millimeter Array Event Horizon Telescope CERN Axion Solar Telescope Keck Cosmic Web Imager JWST NIRCam Hubble and James Webb Space Telescopes Gravitational Lensing William Herschel Telescope WEAVE Magellan-Baade Telescope High-Resolution Imaging WEAVE Multi-Wavelength Observations Ground-Based Observatories Global Collaboration NASA Telescopes Chandra Observatory Gemini Observatory Wide-field X-ray Telescope CHIME LOFAR Telescope Astrophysical Journal Infrared Astronomy Gemini South Telescope Gemini Telescope ANU Siding Spring Observatory VLT Gemini North Telescope Large Binocular Telescope Ground-Based Telescopes SHARK-VIS Earth-based Telescopes NASA's Fermi Telescope NASA Missions NASA Observatories CHARA Array ALMA Telescope ALMA Observatory NASA Víctor M. Blanco Telescope Asteroid Observation Dark Energy Camera Detection of Mini Moons Professional Astronomy Equipment

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