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US-Iran Relations

US-Iran Tensions Iran-backed Militias Iran-Backed Militants Retaliation US-Yemen Relations Iranian-backed Militias US Response to Iran Tensions Iran-Backed Militias Quest for Iranian Moderates US Sanctions against Iran Threats and Warnings US Response Warning to Iranian Leader Retaliatory Actions Attacks on US Bases and Personnel Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin IRGC Ceasefire Conflict between Iran and Hamas US Concerns of Wider War US Desire to Avoid a Broader Conflict US Warning to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei Iranian-Linked Groups Gaza Hospital Explosion Strikes on Iran-linked Targets Airstrikes Tit-for-tat Attacks Iran-backed Groups Iran-Israel Conflict Middle East Yemen Conflict US-UK Relations Houthi Attacks Seizure of Iranian Weapons Red Sea Iran-backed Militant Groups Iranian-backed Militant Groups Iran-backed Militia Iran-backed Militia Groups US Response to Attacks on Military Bases Iran Denial Iranian-backed Groups Iran's Influence in the Middle East US Troop Deaths US Response to Jordan Attack Threats Drone Strike in Jordan US Response to Attacks on US Personnel Iran's Denial of Responsibility Drone Attack on US Troops Iran's Fear of US Retaliatory Strikes Military Support US Response to Drone Attack in Jordan Middle East Tensions US State Department Iran-Venezuela Relations US-China Relations Israel Conflict Iran's Attack on Israel US Allies Israel-Iran Conflict Detention of US Citizens US-Israel Relations Nuclear Program Prisoner Exchanges Prisoner Swap Deal Oversight of Unfrozen Funds Hamas Humanitarian Aid Iranian Assets Hamas Attack