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Reproductive Rights State Laws Women's Rights State Legislation Germany Arizona Access Restrictions State Amendments Amendment 4 Legalization Florida Maternal Health Emergency Care Emergency Medical Care Filibuster Public Sentiment Crisis Pregnancy Centers Late-Term Abortion Shield Laws Federal Legislation Activism Rights Access to Abortion State Initiatives Pro-Life Movement Historical Context Criminal Law Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act Constitutional Amendments IVG Veil Law Infant Care Born-Alive Act Healthcare Legislation Infanticide Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Act Born-Alive Bill Anti-Abortion Movement Access Restrictions Abortion Rights Restriction after 15 weeks Roe v. Wade Anti-abortion measures Maine National Abortion Ban Ballot Measures Court Rulings Legislative Tactics Anti-Abortion Statute Missouri Abortion Providers Arizona Abortion Ban Support for Arizona Doctors and Patients Healthcare Repeal Republican States Comstock Act Senate Democrats Legislative Proposals Poland Parliamentary Procedures Legal Rulings Federal Abortion Ban Survivors Rights Federal vs State Law

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