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Politics Political Parties Green Party


Robert Habeck Felix Banaszak Franziska Brantner Ricarda Lang Annalena Baerbock Elections Sonia Furstenau Cem Özdemir Resignation Election Strategy Omid Nouripour Katharina Fegebank Elizabeth May Katharina Dröge Election Challenges Crisis Management Winfried Kretschmann Election Campaigns Candidates Internal Conflicts Investigations Irene Mihalic Challenges Electoral Performance Fraktionsvorsitzende Election Results Post-Election Dynamics Electoral Outcomes Adrian Ramsay Maryam Blumenthal Candidacy Anke Erdmann Claudia Müller David Duke Baden-Württemberg Sven Giegold Personnel Changes Party Candidates Bundestagswahl Olaf Scholz Jakob Blasel and Jette Nietzard Toni Hofreiter Chancellor Candidates Chancellorship Bundestag Elections Roderic O'Gorman Ombudsman Procedures Britta Haßelmann Ministerpräsident Winfried Kretschmann

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