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Military Weapons


MK-84 Missiles Fighter Jets Guided Bombs Cluster Bombs Munitions US-Israel Relations Thermobaric Bombs Long-range Weapons Cluster Munitions Heavy Munitions MK-84 Bombs GBU-39 Small Diameter Bombs Unguided Bombs Bunker Busters Precision-Guided Bombs Airstrikes 2,000-pound bombs Collateral Damage Practice Bombs Practice bombs Delivery of Bombs Ground-Launched Small Diameter Bombs Ground-Launched Small Diameter Bomb Precision-guided Munitions Precision Guidance FMU-139 Bomb Fuses Accidental Dropping Accidental Discharge MK84 Bomb MK82 Bombs 2,000-pound Bomb 2,000-pound Bombs Rafah Operation Delivery Pause Tanks US Arms Supply Precision-guidance Kits Guided bombs Israel Defense Forces Ammunition Iron Dome Combat Operations Aircraft Bombs GBU-57