Star Wars Ghostbusters Jurassic World Mad Max Jurassic Park Pirates of the Caribbean The Hunger Games Dune Planet of the Apes Bad Boys Avatar Knives Out MonsterVerse Sequels Sonic the Hedgehog James Bond Harry Potter Scream Indiana Jones Cast Members Fast and Furious Mission: Impossible Marvel Cinematic Universe Marvel Studios Twilight Hunger Games Beverly Hills Cop Rebel Moon Reboot A Quiet Place Predator The Karate Kid Monsterverse Lord of the Rings Cast Fantastic Four Franchise Paramount Pictures Global competition The Santa Clause Blade Barbie Ocean's Austin Powers Oceans History Characters The Princess Diaries Wonka Jumanji Alien Franchise Addams Family Riddick Twister Sony's Spider-Man Universe Creed Series Black Panther Rocky Series Expansion Batman Masters of the Universe Star Wars Sequels Alien Marvel Code 8 Wonder Woman Disney Franchise Jurassic Planet Of The Apes Disney Sequel Future Ocean's Eleven Jason Universe Naruto Cola Wars Fast & Furious Future Possibilities Scream franchise The Crow Mad Max Saga Star Wars Franchise 007 Matrix Original Creators Transformers Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse Tomb Raider Disney Franchises Star Trek Rocky Dune: Part Two Alien Series Deadpool Franchise The Matrix Trilogy The Matrix Resurrections MCU Fantasy World