Political Protests Public Demonstrations Public Sentiment Violence Public Response Venezuela Human Rights Violations Political Activism Opposition Movements Demonstrations Public Opinion Community Response Political Opposition Venezuelan Protests Mozambique Religious Minorities Youth Activism Georgia Hostage Situations Human Rights Student Movements Vandalism Bangladesh Student Protests Democracy Movements Election Protests Demonstrations in Israel Hostage Crisis Israel Mass Arrests Political Violence Post-Election Violence Election Controversy Israeli Protests Settlement Expansion Economic Issues American Flags Political Movements Martinique Urban Violence Havana Impact of Blackouts Cacerolazos Nanterre Road Blockades Israeli Society Police Violence Protests in Iran Mass Uprisings Riots Amsterdam Protests Crime Mob Violence Community Relations Environmental Issues Opposition Pro-Palestinian Protests Youth Involvement Police Response Iranian Protests Cultural Response Pro-European Demonstrations Tbilisi Protests Druze Community Homs Damascus West Bank Self-Immolation Civic Engagement Repression Belarus Opposition Supporters Demonstrations in Venezuela China Police Clashes Youth Movements South Korea Casualties Lebanon Political Actions Freedom of Speech Hezbollah Supporters Demonstrations in Romania Public Mobilization Clashes Compensation Independence Movements Political Demonstrations Law Enforcement Response Social Impact Ultra-Orthodox Community Reactions Venezuelan Citizens Protests Against Military Actions Symbolism Government Response Far-Right Movements Political Protests in Venezuela Violence in Protests Anti-Government Protests Political Repression