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House of Representatives Senate Legislation Legislative Process Legislative Actions Republican Party Members of Congress House Republicans House Speaker Funding Lawmakers Bipartisan Support Bipartisan Legislation President Committees Appropriations Bipartisanship House Judiciary Committee House Oversight Committee Bipartisan Efforts President Biden White House House Ethics Committee Senators House Committee House Leadership Congressional Districts U.S. Congress Bills Democratic Party Budgeting Government Shutdown Supreme Court Spending Bills Investigations House Armed Services Committee Hearings Executive Branch Electoral Process Salaries Political Parties Republicans Legislative Power Joint Sessions Ethics in Government House Biden Administration Leadership Funding Approval Representatives Congressional Delegation House Select Committee Continuing Resolution Congressional Hearings Members Legislative Authority Legislative Sessions Impeachment Inquiry Policy Making Senate Hearings House Intelligence Committee Oversight Senate Judiciary Committee House Committee on Education and the Workforce Congressional Ethics Democrats Legislative Oversight U.S. House of Representatives Oversight Committees Voting Republican Senators Military Aid AI Legislation Financial Regulations Appropriation of Funds House GOP Leadership House Chamber Term Limits Aid Package Aid to Ukraine Testimony Congressional Actions Democratic Officials Spending Bill Appropriations Bills Bipartisan Bills Federal Funding Budget Certification Process Oversight Committee Debt Ceiling Debt Limit Senate Intelligence Committee Candidates House Energy and Commerce Committee Defense Bills House Freedom Caucus Task Forces AI Regulation Funding Bills

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