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Finance Investments

Certificates of Deposit

CD Rates CD Terms Interest Rates Alternatives to CDs Short-term CDs Types of CDs Choosing a CD Benefits of CDs Long-Term CDs High-Yield Savings Accounts Locking Rates Best CDs High Returns CD Deals CD Features CD Investments Traditional IRAs Long-term CDs CD Types CDs Strategies Low usage among young people Yield for 12-month CDs Comparison to savings accounts Comparison to Treasury bonds Interest Rate Trends 2-year CDs CD terms CD rates Barclays CDs CDs through Brokerage CDs through Primary Bank Regional CDs National CDs CD Durations Short-Term CDs How CDs Work 2-year CD 9-month CD 18-month CD How to Compare CDs 3-Month CD Drawbacks of CDs FAQs about CDs Benefits Drawbacks Money Market Accounts Investment Strategies Financial Institutions

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